CAP Action
1 min readMay 24, 2017

The 3 Most Outrageous Things Betsy DeVos Said While Defending the Disastrous Trump FY 2018 Budget

Today, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos testified before the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies to defend the Trump Administration’s budget. The budget would devastate public education and harm vulnerable students and families across the country. It would cut over $9 billion dollars from the Department of Education.

Here are some of the key moments from the hearing:

1. DeVos refused to name a SINGLE example of discrimination or exclusion where she would stand up for students under her desired voucher schemes.

2. There she goes again…DeVos dodged on whether students with disabilities who use federally-funded vouchers would be guaranteed the same IDEA protections. [HINT: They would NOT]

3. DeVos presented some alternative facts about school funding saying that high-poverty schools all receive higher levels of funding than affluent schools.

BONUS: Check out Rep. Rosa DeLauro’s fiery closing statements about this cruel and inhumane budget. We hear you Congresswoman, we hear you!

h/t to American Bridge for the videos.

CAP Action
CAP Action

Written by CAP Action

Hard-hitting news + analysis paired with action on the issues that matter most. Working alongside @AmProg.

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